Maritime Supply & Rederiet C. Rousing ApS
Our many years of experience in dealing with both the interior technical setups and equipment as well as the rules & regulations which ships operate under, enables us to guarantee optimal operations in terms of avoiding "offhire" days and other delays?
.We routinely interact with the ships and advise in close cooperation with the owners and crewmembers, such that the ships are run in a technical and financial responsible manner. This includes meeting government standards and regulations at all times.?
Maritime Supply ApS maintains close connections to shipyards and repaircompanies in Denmark, Poland and most of Northern Europe, which allows us to schedule repairs, class-reviews and more, at attractive prices. We participate throughout the entire process, from the scheduling of drydocks, through repairs and supervision of these, to review of the final invoice.?
Our technical department buys spareparts and will negotiate the best deal on our behalf, with vendors all across Europe. The technical department also contributes to the creation of the operating budgets and regularily reviews and maintains these.
Maritime Supply ApS is owned by Carsten Rousing and the group of companies that cooperate on our various services are owned collectively by C. Rousing which has been active in shipping since 1979.
In addition to the danish activities we have established a stabile purchasing network in Poland where we through our daughtercompany Zaopatrzenie Morskie Sp. Z.o.o, which also houses our Crewing Department, buys provisions and stores for the ships.
Best regards,
Carsten Rousing
CEO, Maritime Supply

Our vision
We want to be the leading shippingcompany within our niche. Skilled and committed employees on both ships and on land is our method of reaching that objective. ?
Our mission
Ships are our passion and the reason why Maritime Supply ApS exists. Therefor we hold 3 values that are fundamental for our method of operating: Professionalism, Passion, Loyalty.?

We are professional ?because we are deeply focused in our cooperation with our customers. Our solutions are always known for their high quality and their level of customization to the specific customers needs.
Vi er passionerede i vores job og i den service, vi tilbyder. Vi yder vores bedste, og vi stræber efter succes. Derfor er vi først tilfredse, når vores kunder er tilfredse.
We are passionate in our job and the service we offer. We do our utmost and strive for succes in every endavour. We are satisfied only when our customers are.?
Vi er loyale i vores samarbejde med vores kunder. Vi holder, hvad vi lover, og vi vægter gode relationer højt. Vores kunder får en god oplevelse, når de samarbejder med os, fordi de kan stole på vores løsninger og medarbejdere.
We are loyale in our cooperate with our clients. We keep our promises and we put much emphasis on good relations. Our clients enjoy cooperating with because they trust both us and our solutions.?
Maritim Supply ApS
Møllevangsvej 79
3300 Frederiksværk
Tlf: +45 47 74 29 66